Objectivity is a myth

Objectivity is a myth that we, the western tribe believes in — kind of the same way as some indigenous tribes believe in mountain gods. Human beings cannot be objective by default, we are all determined by a chaotic set of individual biology and life experiences.

What I would suggest instead, let us use empathy and compassion as a guide in all our affairs, even the professional ones that involve other people.

So instead of asking which percentage of them you should expect to say yes to the telescope on Mauna Kea, you should try to understand their side of the story: imagine you are them. Imagine it’s you whose ancient land someone wants to use for purposes you don’t agree with. How would you want that someone to behave? What compromises you would accept from them? Why?

Looking from this perspective, a whole bunch of alternative solutions might come up – solutions that you have never though about if you only see the situation trough you own “objective” (i.e. western people’s subjective) lens.